77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Donnerstag, 28. April 2011 (Saal 11) 11:00-12:30

Freie Vorträge

Oxidativer Stress und Atherosklerose

Vorsitz: R. P. Brandes (Frankfurt am Main), U. Laufs (Homburg/Saar)

(V501) Characterization and defining of a new subset of hematopoietic stem cells for myocardial regeneration after acute myocardial infarction by its intracellular reactive oxygene species level (ROS)

C. Rüder, A. Krost, N. Langwieser, D. Zohlnhöfer-Momm (Berlin)
(V502) Molecular mechanisms of the crosstalk between mitochondrial and NADPH oxidase derived reactive oxygen species in white blood cells – implications for cardiovascular diseases

S. Daub, P. Wenzel, S. Schuhmacher, M. Oelze, A. Scholz, M. Knorr, R. Rümmler, N. Xia, E. Schulz, H. Li, K. J. Lackner, T. Münzel, A. Daiber (Mainz)
(V503) Impact of exercise training on the development of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in mice.

V. Adams, Y. Matsumoto, N. Mangner, S. Möbius-Winkler, G. C. Schuler, A. Linke (Leipzig)
(V504) The osteoclast-associated receptor (OSCAR) plays a novel role in atherogenic processes provoked by oxidative stress.

C. Goettsch, K. Sinningen, M. Rauner, N. Al.Fakhri, M. Schoppet, L. C. Hofbauer (Dresden, Marburg)
(V505) The Th1 Transcription Factor T Box Expressed in T Cells (T-bet) Mediates Vascular Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Angiotensin II Induced Arterial Hypertension

M. Hausding, S. Kossmann, M. Knorr, S. Schuhmacher, M. I. Schmidgen, A. Scholz, A. Daiber, T. Münzel, P. Wenzel (Mainz)
(V506) Die H2O2-produzierende NADPH oxidase Nox4 schützt vor Angiotensin II- induzierter Hypertrophy und Inflammation.

K. Schröder, S. Benkhoff, A. Mieth, M. Zhang, A. Shah, R. P. Brandes (Frankfurt am Main; London, UK)