77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Donnerstag, 28. April 2011 (Saal 13) 16:00-17:30


Sarcoplasmic and sarcolemmal Ca2+ cycling
– an equilibrium

Joint Session with the International Society for Heart Research Europe

Chair: T. Eschenhagen (Hamburg), G. Hasenfuß (Göttingen)


Autoregulation of SR Ca2+ cycling

D. A. Eisner (Manchester, UK)
(V797) Autoregulation of mitochondrial energy generation
– role of Ca2+- and Na+

C. Maack (Homburg/Saar)
(V798) The role of CaMKII in Ca2+ homeostasis

L. S. Maier (Göttingen)
(V799) The role fo TRPC channels in Ca2+ homeostasis

P. Lipp (Homburg/Saar)